Sound of Movement
2023.03-2023.04 (7 weeks)
#Experience Design #Device Design
Program: Arduino
Device: Light sensor, Temperature Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor, GSR Sensor, Vibration Motors, Speakers, Microphone
Design Skill: Research, Prototype, Device Design, Space Design
The project is to create a welcome center for Mt. Wilson. My welcome center is a place where visitors feel they exist there and feel "alive" to them by amplifying the sense of hearing. I first made a field trip with a stethoscope to study my sense of hearing, and the sound coming through the stethoscope changed my experience of space even if I was in the same space as others. I also paid attention to the sound inside my body. The sound of my heart, most easily heard through a stethoscope, reminded me that I was there. Then I analyzed what I heard, what I saw, what I was there, and I was there, and researched other differences and what made me feel like I was there.
I started with the question of how to define Mt. Wilson's unique characteristics. Unless humans label each mountain, it is not easy for us to distinguish nature. However, it was thought that Mt.Wilson's presence itself was unique, such as its location, shape, and altitude. Mt.Wilson, which is located in its form on the mountain's location, shape, and altitude, changes the amount of sunlight received, changes the shadows of trees due to this sunlight, and changes the humidity and temperature. Therefore, I set Mt. Wilson's topographical condition to Input.
Designed object devices that not only by adjusting the motor value according to Mt. Wilson's sunlight, soil humidity, and temperature, objects made of natural objects are moved to create sound but also increase or decrease sound through human biosensors and connect human-natural communication.
Form Design With Sensors
A wire wound in the thread rather than just one wire evokes a very different sense. While producing a device object that combines technology, the design of the material was also taken into account, and all wires were wrapped with thread and the arrangement of sensors was designed so that the technology was not artificial in natural space.
Object with Structure
Device objects were also made using natural objects present in Mt. Wilson. Although the technology was combined, this object was designed not to emphasize technology but to focus on coexistence with nature. In addition, by making the most of the curve of the natural object itself rather than the straight line, it is designed so that the suspended natural objects can collide with each other and make sound by the motor vibrating by the sensor values changing by external factors.
Prototype in the space
Sensors attached to this object device detect Mt.Wilson's terrain, sunlight, humidity, and temperature that vary depending on altitude and location, and adjust motor values to move the objects to make sounds.
And the sounds made like this are rearranged once again by the visitor's biosensor. The speaker can hear the sound through speakers as a result of connecting and communicating with Mt. Wilson by re-correcting the visitor's tension, sweat humidity, and heart rate, depending on the objects.
While testing this prototype, I discovered that ambient noise can make it difficult to hear sounds coming from speakers. So I built a microphone and attached it to each object device to further increase the sound itself.