Program: Premiere Pro, Illustrator

My purpose through this work is to create a new third world through a mixture of original text transformation and a second voice. (The third world here is for readers to see this work and create their own thoughts.) The original text is about a woman who applied for euthanasia due to incurable diseases but was rejected for religious and cultural reasons. For me, this article does not only deal with the issue of euthanasia but also makes me think about how we will look at life, where to where individuals' original rights should be included, and who their rights should be given. In order to convey this article through the eyes of 'I', important sentences and paragraphs were first extracted by dividing the text into three themes. The first is about the meaning of dignity in life, the second is about freedom of religion, and the last is about individual rights. After that, an important word was selected one more time in the sentence, changed to a dictionary definition, and then my opinion on the contents was added. In addition, by giving the text a movement rather than a stopped form, the original text, the modified text, and my opinion were separated, and the text was emphasized through the effect of deleting some parts as the texts overlap using temporality.

Second Voice
개인의 존엄성이 박탈된 삶도 삶 이라고 부를 수 있는가?
Can a life deprived of individual dignity be called life?
1. Original Text
The original text continues to exist in the background. However, in order to lower its importance, it was composed only of lines. This original text also represents the main character of the text. Continuing on, she insists on the validity of her euthanasia, but her personal rights continue to be rejected.
2. Dictionary Definition
The meaning was emphasized by repeatedly arranging words that were considered important in the original text in the background. In addition, instead of leaving these texts intact, text transformed into dictionary definitions of words were added. The added definition enters the position through horizontal movement while deleting the original text. As the sentence of this dictionary definition intervenes in the original sentence of the sentence, the meaning does not change, but the structure of the sentence is destroyed. This also indicates a position against her argument. They speak as if they understand her position, but in the end, they oppose her personal rights from their point of view. And this is being repeated endlessly.
3. My Opinion
As a second voice for this article, it represents my point of view. The second voice is translated into three languages: Korean, Chinese, and English. And my opinion passes through the entire text through vertical movement. Depending on whether readers understand or do not understand this second voice, the third world they create will be different. This was an interesting part of the language for me. This is because although my opinion is only added to the original text, the direction of readers' thoughts can change through language understanding.
종교의 자유는 존재하는 단어인가?
Is religious freedom an existing word?
누구에게 개인에 대한 결정권이 있는 것인가?
Who has the right to decide on an individual?