Death-Predicting AI Chatbot


Program: Python, Discord

The project worked with AI ChatBot on the number of cases where people responded and how a person could die in the future. This has been an extension of my work Die(a)gram work in 2019 to AI Chatbot. Human beings are a cycle of life from birth to death. But we sometimes forget this fact. Through this diagram, I propose to redefine the concept of our entire life cycle, and at the same time ask the question of how we are going to build our lives. Expanding this question to AI ChatBot, we have now included a critical view of how technology contributes to human life (including death) and what discourse it forms ethically.

Die(a)gram. 2019

Diagram of ‘Death-Predicting AI Chatbot‘

It is a diagram of the number of cases of AI's response to a question and an answer according to a user's button click.

Diagram of Code

It is a code diagram of how this AI should be constructed through the Root method.

Process 1 : Tracery

Using the Tracery function, we have set up AI to recommend and refer to diseases that can be caused by categories divided into different ages at random. In addition, we randomly recommend hospitals that will be the last place in our lives so that we can mention them.

Process 2: Create Node

Then I generated the root of each button
using the node function.

Process 3: Create sentences

Third, enter data on what questions or answers AI can answer for each button.

Process 4: Connect button

Then associate this question and answer with each button so that it can respond when pressed.

Process 5: Connect Node

After that, these buttons are connected to the node that was written above to function as a branch.

Process 6: Run ChatBot

Finally, set a trigger message to cause this AI ChatBot to run if the user enters a specific message "Let me know how I die" in Discord chat.

Play it out!


Play with API


Space Junk, Spam Junk