Space Junk, Spam Junk
Program: Unity
This project is to create a simulation using space junk using the collision function through Unity. Space junk is already used in many space games along with the collide function. So I considered how to design this simulation functionally and how to design visual language.
When we browse on social media or websites, countless ads are exposed to us, whether we intend to or not. If we stay or click on the ad for a few seconds, the related ads start to be exposed again and again. We can't get clear information about whether this ad is derived from a trusted site and whether our personal information can be passed on to them by clicking on it. Also, sometimes we experience illegal advertisements exposed to us. I tried to simulate this phenomenon of our society in space junk.
My simulation is not only done in Unity's digital environment. The camera filming my actual self and the camera filming me looking at my cell phone act as input. Every time I check an ad, pressing the space key creates a duplicate of the camera screen that I see on ads. In addition, when the objects of the camera watching the advertisement collide with the same objects(the camera screen that I see on ads), the advertisement screens begin to be derived. To keep these ads away from me, I have to use the back bar key to create another object and wait until they collide and change location.
Process 1
First, I tested that when two spheres collided with each other, they disappear and the creation of new spheres. In addition, I tested that a prefab of a green sphere containing a red sphere was generated when the space key was pressed.
To do so, three red spheres were hidden in the green spheres and set as children of the green spheres. Later, when the green spheres collided with each other, they get out from their parents and the green spheres are destroyed.
Process 2
Second, I tested that when the back bar key was pressed, a stone prefab was formed, and when they collided with each other, the green and red spheres changed their position under the influence of this collision.
Process 3
Lastly, the camera was set as the material. The first attempt failed because there were several camera inputs. Therefore, the input value of the device was found out through the test code and the camera was set respectively.
Process 4
After setting the camera input to the screen which I'm looking at on the cell phone, whenever I found an advertisement while looking at the actual social media, I pressed the space key creating my own space junk : spam junk world in real-time. Also, I pressed the back bar key to create stones and made them stay these junks away from me.