
The gap is the boundary between the two worlds, but also where the distinction between the two worlds becomes blurred. There, you can meet both worlds at the same time. In a sense, our daily lives in the contemporary world are like living in the boundary. Interactivity makes what is blurred more perceptible. The biggest characteristic when talking about boundaries is that all languages are paradoxical. In the dyeing project, I dyed four shirts in different concentrations of Sumi ink. However, the actual product is the ink marks on the floor created in the process. No, it is a recorded video of the process. No, it is the digital image that captured that moment. No, it is the dyed clothes – or it is the blackened white canvas made for fun through digital processing. The important point of this project is my language that crosses the boundaries of genre, perspective, and visual vocabulary. It seems as if the piece is a physical product, but all information remains in digital form.

Unlike Western Art, Art in the far-East is based on a poetic approach when defining the object. “Sansoo” is a landscape painting using Sumi ink. But the whole mountain can be a tree and each tree becomes a mountain. The far East-based cosmopolitan perspective provokes the idea of ambiguity of the existence of the being. In my work, I appropriated the idea and created a vague line between the format of the work. And since the idea of Taoism, I performed it based on the language of traditional far east culture. Black and white, slowness, quietness, and the spiritual approach towards the idea are the main characteristics of the project.

Dyeing Performance day 1 2020. Single-channel video projection, HD video, color, sound; 1m 33s

Dyeing Performance day 3, 2020. Single-channel video projection, HD video, color, sound; 3m 24s

Dyeing Performance day 2, 2020. Single-channel video projection, HD video, color, sound; 2m 12s

Dyeing Performance day 4, 2020. Single-channel video projection, HD video, color, sound; 2m 17s

Although the digital representation of the ink drips is very rough, I really wanted to walk one more step to generate a digital version of the process. Watching the transparent layers of ink is somewhat fascinating.


Dyeing Processing Take1. 2020. Single-channel video projection, HD video, color, sound; 1m 42s

Dyeing Processing Take2. 2020. Single-channel video projection, HD video, color, sound; 1m 42s

Dyeing Processing Take3. 2020. Single-channel video projection, HD video, color, sound; 1m 42s


Movement in Between


Digital Dilution